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Threshold values

Thresholds define the financial level above which certain regulations or measures apply. These values are used to determine what measures must be taken in relation to public contracts, awards or financial transactions. To ensure fairness, transparency and competition, they play an important role in the regulation and control of various processes.

The importance of thresholds

Thresholds are often used in the European Union (EU) and Switzerland to regulate the awarding of public contracts. These values determine the contract value above which Europe-wide tenders must be carried out. This is intended to provide companies with a level playing field and strengthen the internal market. It is crucial that thresholds are adhered to in order to ensure that public funds are used efficiently and transparently. Clear guidelines ensure that companies are treated fairly and that there is a level playing field. Furthermore, thresholds help to improve the quality of services and products as companies can thrive in a fair competitive environment.

Types of thresholds

Depending on the context and legislation, the types of thresholds can differ. Public procurement, construction, supplies and services fall under some common thresholds. These values are regularly updated to reflect current economic circumstances. There are also financial limits for transactions in banking or tax matters, in addition to the thresholds in public procurement. In order to protect the integrity of the financial system and prevent tax evasion, these thresholds are used to trigger certain reporting obligations or apply specific regulations.

Compliance and monitoring

It is of great importance for companies and authorities to comply with the thresholds in order to avoid legal consequences. It is important that organizations know the relevant thresholds in order to respond appropriately and follow the appropriate procedures. It is necessary to carry out regular monitoring and compliance measures to ensure that all regulations are adhered to. Authorities and regulators are responsible for monitoring compliance with thresholds and can impose sanctions for non-compliance. To ensure that they comply with the applicable thresholds and minimize potential risks, companies should implement internal controls.


Thresholds are crucial tools to promote fair competition, transparency and efficiency in various areas. They ensure that companies and authorities comply with regulations and do not have to fear legal consequences. Through regular updating and monitoring, thresholds ensure the integrity of financial transactions, public procurement and other relevant processes.