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Lifelong learning

People who continuously acquire new skills, knowledge and competencies in order to keep pace with the ever-changing demands of work and society. This process is referred to as lifelong learning and is also known as lifelong informal learning, such as self-study, workshops, seminars and online courses are part of this educational approach and go beyond formal education.

Advantages of lifelong learning

Lifelong learning has many benefits for both individuals and organizations. It can lead to personal growth, professional development, increased employability and a more fulfilling life for individuals. Employees with up-to-date skills and knowledge can benefit employers by increasing productivity, innovation and competitiveness. The European Union actively promotes lifelong learning to improve the employability of citizens and drive economic development.

Implementation in Switzerland

Lifelong learning is seen as an important part of education policy in Switzerland. Educational institutions, companies and government institutions cooperate to design programs and initiatives that enable people to continuously learn. Switzerland emphasizes the importance that education is not limited to formal training phases, but is seen as a lifelong process that contributes to personal and professional development. The aim is to create a workforce that is highly skilled and flexible and able to meet the demands of the modern labor market.

Technological support

Digitalization has facilitated lifelong learning by improving access to educational content and resources. Learners can learn flexibly and independent of time and place through online platforms, e-learning courses and mobile apps. In today's digital era, people all over the world have access to high-quality educational opportunities to continuously expand their skills and knowledge. The promotion of lifelong learning and the creation of a knowledge-based society are significantly influenced by technological innovations.