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Employee handbook

Employee handbook, known as employee handbook or company handbook, is a document of importance that provides guidance to the employees of an organization. All relevant information on company policies, procedures, expectations and guidelines are included and relevant to employees. To ensure that all employees understand and follow the same rules and regulations, the employee handbook serves as a central source of information.

Purpose of the employee handbook

The employee handbook serves several purposes. Firstly, it acts as a point of contact for employees to get answers to frequently asked questions. It contains information on vacation regulations, working hours, code of conduct, data protection regulations and other important topics. The handbook also helps to promote a consistent understanding of company values and culture. By communicating expectations and guidelines, the employee handbook supports the creation of a harmonious working environment. Ultimately, the handbook also serves to define the rights and obligations of employees and the company in the form of a legal document.

Content of the employee handbook

An employee handbook typically contains information on various topics such as terms of employment, compensation and benefits, working hours, sick and vacation policies, code of conduct, privacy policy, contact information and organizational charts. The handbook can also provide employees with information on the company's history, mission and values to improve their understanding of the company.

Creation and updating

Close collaboration between the HR department, the legal department and management is required to create an employee handbook and keep it up to date. To ensure that the handbook complies with current legal requirements and company policies, it is important to review it regularly and update it as necessary. To ensure that new employees are familiar with the contents, they should receive a copy of the handbook and attend training.

Importance in the EU and Switzerland

It is mandatory for companies in the European Union and Switzerland to make certain information available to employees to ensure legal compliance. The employee handbook is critical to meeting these requirements as it provides a structured and comprehensive source of information for all relevant data. By communicating clear rules and expectations, it also encourages companies to support transparency and fairness.