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Personnel data

All information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person is personal data. This data includes name, date of birth, address, telephone number and email address as well as biometric information such as fingerprints or genetic data. In other words, it is any data that makes it possible to identify a person directly or indirectly.

What is personal data?

The significance of personal data in data protection is very important. All information that relates to or can identify a specific person is contained in it. In addition to obvious data such as names and addresses, it also includes information such as IP addresses, location data, online identifiers and even expressions of opinion. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other EU data protection laws define personal data broadly to protect the privacy of individuals. It is particularly important for companies and organizations to handle the processing of personal data carefully, otherwise they risk severe penalties under data protection laws.

Processing of personal data

Any action related to personal data, such as collecting, storing, using, transferring or deleting this data, involves processing. It is important that companies only collect the necessary personal data and protect it appropriately. This includes measures such as pseudonymizing data, restricting access to personal information and implementing security measures.

Data protection and personal data

Safeguarding personal data is a fundamental human right. There are strict data protection laws in the EU and Switzerland that regulate the processing of personal data and ensure that the privacy of individuals is protected. To ensure that companies comply with legal requirements and maintain the trust of their customers, data protection policies must be implemented. Personal data can have serious consequences if data breaches occur, both legally and in terms of a company's reputation. It is therefore important to take appropriate security precautions and comply with data protection regulations to minimize the risk of data breaches.

International transfer of personal data

Strict rules apply to the transfer of personal data across international borders, especially when transferring outside the EU or Switzerland. It is necessary for companies to take appropriate safeguards to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data. Contracts such as the EU Standard Contractual Clauses or certification mechanisms such as the EU-US Privacy Shield can be used to ensure that personal data is adequately protected when it is transferred outside the EU. It is important to be aware of the legal requirements for the international transfer of personal data and to ensure that all legal requirements are met.