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Determine corporate values


Determining corporate values

Determining corporate values refers to the process of identifying the core principles, beliefs and behaviors that guide behavior and decisions within a company. These values guide the corporate culture and influence how employees interact with each other, how business is conducted and how the company interacts with customers and the public.

Why are corporate values important

It is vital that company values define a company's identity and ensure that all employees are pulling in the same direction. By establishing clear values, companies can ensure that all decisions and actions are taken in accordance with shared principles. This helps to create a positive corporate culture that encourages employee engagement and contributes to the long-term success of the company.

How are corporate values determined?

Corporate values are usually determined through a participatory process involving employees, managers and, where appropriate, external stakeholders. Workshops, surveys or discussions are used to identify the fundamental values that should define the company. It is important that these values are genuine and reflect the organization's true beliefs and behaviors. Regular review and, if necessary, adjustment of the defined corporate values is important to ensure that they remain relevant and support the development of the company. It is critical to success that the values are communicated to all employees and integrated into all aspects of the business.

Examples of corporate values

Corporate values can vary in their diversity and differ from company to company. Common corporate values include integrity, teamwork, innovation, customer focus, sustainability, diversity and social responsibility. These values act both as a guide for employee behavior and as a basis for business decisions. Many companies in the EU and Switzerland place great emphasis on ethical principles and sustainability, which is why values such as environmental awareness and social responsibility feature prominently in many corporate value systems.

Corporate values and employer branding

Clear communication and implementation of corporate values can also have a positive impact on employer branding. Companies that truly live their values and demonstrate them openly attract potential employees who share these values. A clear and practiced values-based corporate culture can help to retain and attract talented employees in the long term. When companies integrate their corporate values into their recruiting efforts and employee communications, they can position themselves as attractive employers and build a positive employer brand.